I just changed my phone - migrated everything and it works great.

One thing that grinds my gear and that I cannot manage to work out is: how to get file currently set as notification sound on my first Android phone to copy to another one?

What I tried:

  1. I know, that files that are possible to set as notification sound are supposed to be in a special Notifications folder, but file is simply not there. In Settings the file is visible as currently set, but when I try to change the file for notification, it's not on the list.
  2. This file WORKS (sound of notification works fine with this file), although searching for it with special (SolidExplorer) or integrated file managers does not give any results - file not found.

My phone: Samsung Galaxy A7 (2018), Android 10 (newest software possible for me), not rooted or anything (work phone that I cannot mess around with).

This is driving me crazy. Looks like file was "cached" somehow and works (so it must exist somewhere in memory), but it's unsearchable. After restart - notification sound still works with this file.

Any help would be appreciated.


  • Have you checked the path mentioned in this answer? android.stackexchange.com/a/183456/2241
    – Robert
    Commented Apr 11, 2023 at 8:05
  • @Robert it needs root. As I mentioned - I have no root and cannot root the device, as it is company device.
    – ARKaM
    Commented Apr 11, 2023 at 8:22
  • UPDATE: I was able to see files with Solid Explorer - file is not visible in mentioned path: /system/media/audio/ringtones
    – ARKaM
    Commented Apr 11, 2023 at 8:36
  • Most likely you don't see files even if they exist in Solid Explorer. Use `adb´, that way it does not need root.
    – Robert
    Commented Apr 11, 2023 at 8:38
  • @Robert please see update - unfortunately, file is not there.
    – ARKaM
    Commented Apr 11, 2023 at 8:39

1 Answer 1


So, unfortunately, it seems that it is not possible to get this file the easy way (requires additional software or rooting the phone, connecting to PC with additional programs to go through files, trying different paths to check if file even exists etc.).

I had to return the phone and never figured it out.

It was a very specific situation, when the file was not listed among other notification sound files anymore.

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