How do I back up the WhatsApp backup that is on Google Drive?

If I go to WhatsApp - Settings - Chats - Chat backup, it tells me the Google account that my backup is at and the size.

And if I go to https://drive.google.com/drive/backups, then I can see the backup there.

Google Drive doesn't even tell me the size of the backup! But it tells me the date or time of it which verifies with what the WhatsApp app shows.

How can I copy it off?

I tried Google Takeout picking just Google Drive. But that just gives a 9MB file. So it didn't include it.

  • added note- It does seem a bit vulnerable to me because if some things go wrong eg phone breaks and new phone doesn't load old messages, and decides to do a backup then who knows maybe it could overwrite that one.(not tested yet) There's still a question of, even if I did backup the backup, whether whatsapp would even be able to read the backup or the backup or whether any third party app could.. but anyhow. Also.. I have some ideas maybe I can copy it off the phone.. though id have to see if I can then reload it. Anyhow.
    – barlop
    Commented Apr 12, 2023 at 5:01
  • BTW I did have issue in past where a phone wouldn't load backup, (Afte it said something about "last chance"),. which i resolved by removing a local file from the phone then it loaded. But I want to backup the backup so the situation is a little bit less insecure!
    – barlop
    Commented Apr 12, 2023 at 5:02
  • Related/possible dupe: How do I access to my WhatsApp backup in Google Drive?
    – Andrew T.
    Commented Apr 12, 2023 at 5:51
  • @AndrewT. it's not a duplicate. He is saying he can't locate the file, and that he wants to get chat history from the file. I'm saying I can locate it And i'm not trying to get chat history from it, just trying to copy it / back it up.
    – barlop
    Commented Jun 15 at 4:23
  • I agree it's not duplicate per se, though the answer recommending a paid product also allows to download WhatsApp backup from Google Drive (granted, it might be an inferior answer after an answer with the FOSS alternative was posted here).
    – Andrew T.
    Commented Jun 15 at 4:33

1 Answer 1


The user interface on Google Drive does not allow you to do this. And they will delete it after 5 months. So if you plan to not use your WhatsApp for a while, you'd better backup your local backup.

  • WhatsApp data takeout does not contain chat history.
  • Google Takeout does not include any backup data.
  • Google Drive does not allow you to copy/download backup data.
  • You cannot import/restore chats from different accounts (when you change your phone number).
  • WhatsApp will delete your backup immediately if you close your account or uninstall all instances of WhatsApp.
  • Google Drive will delete your backup immediately if you close or unlink your Google account.

But, there are FOSS tools for forensic analysis that allow you to extract from Google Drive.

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