I sometime do that on the Linux desktop - but on the phone I cannot do it. What I see is exactly what is presented in this video on reddit. Adding the video url to mpv does nothing. The answer seems to be that yt-dlp
has to be installed.
To do that I have followed these instructions, installed Termux and then did:
pkg up
pkg install python
pkg install ffmpeg
python3 -m pip install --upgrade yt-dlp
Then, in order to make mpv work with yt-dlp
, I followed the instruction here: entered mpv
advanced settings, selected the option to edit mpv.conf
, and pasted script-opts=ytdl_hook-ytdl_path=/usr/bin/yt-dlp
But those are settings for Linux. Should they work for Android? Why don't they? I see the same as before, mpv
does nothing after adding the url.