I'm trying to setup 7.1/5.1 channel USB audio card on my RPI4 (I'm using KonstaKang's ROM konstakang.com/devices/rpi4/LineageOS21 (Android 14). I found some info on the web that suggest multichannel audio is supported:
How to play 5.1 audio direct to speakers?
I tried editing /vendor/etc/usb_audio_policy_configuration.xml as suggested but still get only stereo output.
Could you please point me what can I check/change to make this work?
Update: I found that after the update of usb_audio_policy_configuration.xml actually there is sound from all 8 channels when adjusting the sound level from Settings but when playing video with VLC (AC3 5.1 audio) there is still only stereo on the main two channels.