I feel close to the solution... I have a Bluetooth grill temp probe from Thermopro. I have used it on my phone for a while and have a bunch of saved temp graphs of various dinners. Good information to review. Anyway - the app sort of shuts down if I get a call, so I want to move it to my tablet, but I'd like to copy all the good temp graphs and alarm settings from my phone too.
Using ADB, I made a copy of the apk from my phone and made a "backup" of the data.
First - I went to Google Play and found the proper apk name of the app. ex: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=cn.com.adsmart.thermbbq
Using the ID, I found the full path to the app
adb shell pm path cn.com.adsmart.thermbbq
package:/data/app/~~2bkB2UtzWXCnq6FqrD-qZw==/cn.com.adsmart.thermbbq-M73nd-LoCb2rEdiN3Pohiw==/base.apk package:/data/app/~~2bkB2UtzWXCnq6FqrD-qZw==/cn.com.adsmart.thermbbq-M73nd-LoCb2rEdiN3Pohiw==/split_config.arm64_v8a.apk package:/data/app/~~2bkB2UtzWXCnq6FqrD-qZw==/cn.com.adsmart.thermbbq-M73nd-LoCb2rEdiN3Pohiw==/split_config.xxhdpi.apk
Then I made a backup on my laptop of the apk
adb pull /data/app/~~2bkB2UtzWXCnq6FqrD-qZw==/cn.com.adsmart.thermbbq-M73nd-LoCb2rEdiN3Pohiw==/base.apk cn.com.adsmart.thermbbq.apk
Then I made a backup of the data
adb backup - cn.com.adsmart.thermbbq -f cn.com.adsmart.thermbbq.ab
Then disconnecting my phone from ADB and USB, I connected my tablet to USB and enabled ADB.
I installed the
apk adb install cn.com.adsmart.thermbbq.apk
Then I restored the backup data
adb restore cn.com.adsmart.thermbbq.ab
The app works fine, but all the data I was hoping to preserve is not there.
I feel like there is one more twist I am missing. Any pointers are appreciated.
adb backup
and restore doesn't work anymore on Android 12+ for recent apps (that means all apps that had been updated in the last ~2 years). Adb backups save no data