I want to be able to collect up to, say, a couple of day's worth of resource usage statics for my android, at the resolution of individual apps, and ordered according to their shares of the resource. And I would like then to be able to view this information in such a way that I can easily identify the worst resource hogs.
Any suggestions for how to do this would be appreciated.
(FWIW, my phone is rooted.)
PS: There is a bazillion of apps for monitoring CPU usage, memory usage, etc., but all the ones I have found give only global statistics. I.e. they will tell me that, e.g. 84% of my phone's CPU is being used, but none will give me a weighted breakdown of that percentage over the apps responsible for it. Monitoring apps that do not collect and display statistics at the resolution of individual applications are of little use to me. And of course, it goes without saying that "task manager" apps, or even for apps like Watchdog are even farther removed from what I'm looking for; these apps may be very good at what they do, but they simply are not designed to do what I want done.