I would like to activate USB tethering from within a bash script.

I've found TetherSettings action name from

aapt dump xmltree com.android.settings.apk AndroidManifest.xml | less +/ether

The following command open the needed settings, but don't change anything alone

am start -n com.android.settings/.TetherSettings

Is there any possibility to run a command line with adb shell to change it?

Related, but the opposite: Is it possible to disable USB tethering from command line?

  • That's really cool. I tried to find other commands doing aapt dump xmltree com.android.settings.apk AndroidManifest.xml but that didn't work on my phone(aapt not found). How can I see a list of the available settings ? Commented Jul 5, 2013 at 15:24
  • elinux.org/Android_aapt Commented Jul 5, 2013 at 15:37
  • Thanks! I've found aapt in the build-tools folder. I can run it now. I can't seem to find com.android.settings.apk though. I've tried: find / -name 'com.android.settings.apk' on the phone, but nothing came up :( Can you please let me know where I can find com.android.settings.apk ? Commented Jul 5, 2013 at 15:50

7 Answers 7


If your Android version has svc inbuilt utility, run this command:

adb shell svc usb setFunctions rndis

This would enable USB tethering. To see what other USB functions are available, run:

adb shell svc usb
  • *setFunction in first command
    – Jortstek
    Commented Nov 15, 2021 at 0:50
  • @Jortstek in the latest release of Android (version 12), it still continues to be setFunctions. See android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/base/+/refs/heads/… It is possible the Android implementation by your device's vendor removed the trailing s from the keyword.
    – Firelord
    Commented Nov 15, 2021 at 11:20
  • 1
    Wow. Android 8 on Samsung device, it most definitely is without the "s". What ways they think of to trip people up.
    – Jortstek
    Commented Nov 15, 2021 at 19:41

Running the following command as root should enable USB tethering:

  • service call connectivity 32 i32 1 on Ice Cream Sandwich (4.0)
  • service call connectivity 33 i32 1 on Jelly Bean (4.1 to 4.3)
  • service call connectivity 34 i32 1 on KitKat (4.4)
  • service call connectivity 30 i32 1 on Lollipop (5.0)
  • service call connectivity 31 i32 1 on Lollipop (5.1) according to an answer by Firelord
  • service call connectivity 30 i32 1 on Marshmallow (6.0), untested
  • service call connectivity 41 i32 1 on Samsung Marshmallow (6.0)
  • service call connectivity 33 i32 1 on Nougat (7.0)
  • service call connectivity 39 i32 1 on Samsung Nougat (7.0)

The first number you see in the commands is the setUsbTethering() method's number in IConnectivityManager.aidl (this depends on the Android version and doesn't exist on Gingerbread).

(Tip: to check this file for a particular Android version, select the appropriate branch.)

So what this command does is call setUsbTethering() and pass either 1 (enable USB tethering) or 0 (to disable it).

For more information, see this related question on Stack Overflow.

If you're enabling USB tethering as part of a USB reverse tethering setup, setprop sys.usb.config rndis,adb should be more than enough to get the rndis0 interface set up.

  • 1
    Looking at the jb-release branch, int setUsbTethering(boolean enable); looks to be the 33rd method, not 34th. Also, I've tested both the 4.1/4.2 and 4.3/4.4 commands on a Nexus 7 with JB 4.3 and service call connectivity 33 i32 1 turns on tethering.
    – user43185
    Commented Jun 8, 2015 at 8:36
  • This is the right answer for USBTethering. It won't work for WifiTethering though. The API hasn't been left open for that...
    – Kristopher
    Commented Dec 28, 2015 at 16:47
  • That command for Android M works well on my stock Android 6.0.1 on Nexus 6. Good work keeping a list for multiple Android versions. I wish I could upvote it again.
    – Firelord
    Commented Mar 17, 2016 at 0:58
  • Confirm that the MM command works on CM13 6.0.1 also. Thanks!
    – David784
    Commented Apr 17, 2016 at 16:31
  • 1
    on CM14.1(7.1) the Jelly Bean command works
    – christoph
    Commented Jan 5, 2017 at 18:12

There is a pretty bad method using adb shell input tap, Get the coordinates for enable tethering and substitute

adb shell input tap <x> <y>

Or navigate to enable radio using adb shell input keyevent. Just have a look at,

adb shell input 

Again this confines to a particular device.

  • Combining this all together, this works for me if the screen is unlocked: adb shell "am start -n com.android.settings/.TetherSettings; input keyevent KEYCODE_DPAD_UP; input keyevent KEYCODE_ENTER". I found a list of key events on SO.
    – redbmk
    Commented Jan 31, 2017 at 6:53
  • 1
    In case anyone wants to test this out and/or modify it for their device, I'll post this here. I wrote a little script to turn on tethering for my nexus 5x (needs to be unlocked) and hooked it up to udev to do that automatically when I plug it in
    – redbmk
    Commented Jan 31, 2017 at 8:28
  • 1
    @redbmk - thanks for the useful script. For a Galaxy A5 2017 the key sequence is: ${inputKey}DPAD_DOWN; $pause; ${inputKey}DPAD_DOWN; $pause; ${inputKey}ENTER. Also I found that pause="sleep 0.3" works ok. Commented Nov 28, 2017 at 19:04
  • In the sequence above I had forgot the initial key presses to dismiss the pop up confirmation about enabling MTP, which is ${inputKey}DPAD_DOWN; $pause; ${inputKey}DPAD_DOWN; $pause; ${inputKey}ENTER;. Commented Nov 29, 2017 at 18:55

Try the setprop command below:

setprop sys.usb.config rndis,adb
  • 5
    This is only part of what's needed. This won't start dnsmasq for instance.
    – kroot
    Commented Dec 3, 2013 at 6:25

this is device independent (toggles USB tethering)

adb shell am start -n com.android.settings/.TetherSettings &&
adb shell input keyevent 20 &&
adb shell input keyevent 20 &&
adb shell input keyevent KEYCODE_ENTER &&
sleep 2 &&
adb shell input keyevent 4

Modified to use windows timeout command instead of sleep, wake screen first, and only press down once. Twice down enabled wifi tethering on my phone.

adb shell input keyevent KEYCODE_WAKEUP && adb shell am start -n com.android.settings/.TetherSettings && adb shell input keyevent KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN && adb shell input keyevent KEYCODE_ENTER && timeout 2 && adb shell input keyevent KEYCODE_BACK

The service method did not work for me on my Samsung device. I figured out how to do it by configuring the network interface directly, though. Here is a script that sets up a Linux machine and a USB-connected rooted Android device for USB tethering. This does not set up DNS or NAT masquerading, but is sufficient to make the device accessible at

set -euo pipefail

# Set up USB tethering for an Android device.
# Usage: adb-usb-tether [USB-VENDOR USB-PRODUCT]
# If USB vendor/product is unspecified, use first USB network interface.
# On the Android side, tethering is enabled via adb shell.

if [[ $# -eq 2 ]]

function find_if() {
    local path if
    for path in /sys/class/net/*
        if=$(basename "$path")
        if [[ "$(readlink "$path")" == */usb* ]]
            local ifproduct ifvendor
            ifproduct=$(cat "$(realpath "$path")/../../../idProduct")
            ifvendor=$(cat "$(realpath "$path")/../../../idVendor")
            if $any || [[ "$ifproduct" == "$product" && "$ifvendor" == "$vendor" ]]
                echo "Found interface: $if" 1>&2
                echo "$if"

function adb_shell() {
    adb shell "$(printf " %q" "$@")"

function adb_su() {
    local quoted
    quoted="$(printf " %q" "$@")"
    adb shell su -c "$(printf %q "$quoted")"

if [[ -z "$if" ]]
    echo "Requesting interface:" 1>&2
    adb_su setprop sys.usb.config rndis,adb
    echo " >> OK" 1>&2

while [[ -z "$if" ]]
    echo "Waiting for network device..." 1>&2
    sleep 1

while ! ( ip link | grep -qF "$if" )
    echo "Waiting for interface..." 1>&2
    sleep 1

function configure_net() {
    local name="$1"
    local if="$2"
    local ip="$3"
    local table="$4"
    local cmdq="$5" # Query command
    local cmdx="$6" # Configuration command

    if ! ( "$cmdq" ip addr show dev "$if" | grep -qF 192.168.42."$ip" )
        echo "Configuring $name interface address:" 1>&2
        "$cmdx" ip addr add 192.168.42."$ip"/24 dev "$if"
        echo " >> OK" 1>&2

    if ( "$cmdq" ip addr show dev "$if" | grep -qF 'state DOWN' )
        echo "Bringing $name interface up:" 1>&2
        "$cmdx" ip link set dev "$if" up
        sleep 1
        echo " >> OK" 1>&2

    if ! ( "$cmdq" ip route show table "$table" | grep -qF " dev $if" )
        echo "Configuring $name route:" 1>&2
        "$cmdx" ip route add table "$table" dev "$if"
        echo " >> OK" 1>&2

configure_net local  "$if"   128 main  command   sudo
configure_net device rndis0  129 local adb_shell adb_su

To enable forwarding (i.e. connect to the Internet from the PC via the Android device), see my question and answer here.

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