writing from my phone so sorry for typos.
I recently fixed my laptop but the wireless network in my house doesn't work on it (its probably router configuration problem-or at least could be fixed with configuring the router, but I have no access to the router since I am renting).
The network works fine on my sanyo zio which has no money on the account and no plan (so the only thing I can use this phone is for internet if I have wifi access). I want to use my phones ability to connect to the home wi-fi network to connect my laptop to that network (so transfer the home wi-fi to the laptop through my phone). Usb connection or wifi will do as I am pretty sure its input this home wi-fi that doesn't work. So if I turn my zio into a hotspot it should work.
Is there any way to do that? To make situation better I have vista 64 so kyocera divers for this phone don't work.
Update: I forgot to mention that for some forsaken reason (I suspect murphy's law) the bluetooth internet connection on my computer fail s when I try to connect it with my phone. (following instructions on fifox and manually connecting with the blue tooth dial up option which just times out. I'm missing some peripheral bluetooth driver ;/) I can connect to my phone through bluetooth just the internet option fails @.@ . And I don't think my phone supports the wifi option through fox fi. Although I have no way to be sure. When I turn on the hotspot option the internet connects but with limited access (just like my home network but I think its because my phone doesn't tether right not because of my laptop. Ofc I could be wrong) it says that might happen and to just automatically get new ip to fix this problem but that doesn't work also says many phones are not supported for wifi and I don't think this one is.
I Recently rooted my phone. I tried the apps for the rooted phones but they just want to use 3g network connection. Since I want to connect, through wifi they are quite useless. Anybody has an idea what I could download or do to make this work for me?