What is a LogCat?
A "LogCat" is for debugging applications / Android system. When applications / Android crash the output the "explanation" for the crash, the Exception Stacktrace, to a Log. This log can be saved and help developers to fix the crash.
What is it supposed to do?
It will help to solve your questions, if your asked for a LogCat it is always useful.
How can I get a LogCat?
This isn't hard.
Linux, Windows or Mac
USB cable for your device
Android Device
- Install your device driver for using adb. Everything you need will you find here
- Download adb executable for your OS (Download: Windows | Linux | Mac). Paste it somewhere.
- Connect your android device.
- Verify if "Settings > Developer options > USB debugging" is checked, if not, simply check it.
- Open a command promt (windows) or terminal (linux / mac). How to do it: On Windows: windows + r > enter "cmd" (without quotes) > click enter | On Linux: You don't know how to open a terminal? LOL | On Mac: Type
into Spotlight and open it
- CD to the directory where the adb executable is located. On Windows: Go to the directory where you downloaded the adb executable, Shift+Right Click and select "Open Console" (or similar) | On Linux / Mac: Rightclick in the directory and select "Open Terminal here" (or simply CD into the directory)
- Type in your cmd/terminal:
adb devices
to verify your device is properly connected.
- If your device is properly selected, type in
adb logcat
to show the mighty and magic logcat aka stacktrace.
- Reproduce your error (or whatever) on your device.
- Right after, paste the whole cmd / terminal window into a paste-service like http://pastebin.com/ and send it to us.