I have developed an application which creates an account in "Account & Sync"

Some users on Samsung Galaxy SIII report that this account occasionally disappear (maybe at each reboot).

Of course, this doesn't happen with other phones.

Has anyone encountered a similar issue, ie an account disappearing?

  • Voting to leave open, since the question also relates to users that are having issues with paid apps and their accounts being removed on reboot.
    – Chahk
    Commented Dec 3, 2012 at 16:54

1 Answer 1


This sounds a lot like the bug introduced in Android 4.1 Jelly Bean that (probably due to DRM and encryption) will install any paid application to /mnt/asec, even if it contains an account service. This has a side-effect of having all accounts associated with such apps being removed on every reboot. This Google Code issue has more details.

As of Android 4.2.1, it looks like the issue has not been resolved. Many developers resort to creating a second "JB work-around" app that is free, and therefore can be properly installed and is able prevent the accounts of the main app from disappearing on reboot.

  • I forgot to mention this was the paid app version. You're pointing to a bug that is likely to be the one I'm facing. Thanks a lot, I had no way to test this myself. I just couldn't reproduce on the emulator...
    – rds
    Commented Dec 3, 2012 at 18:09

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