Moto DROID v1 Android 2.2.1
Is anyone else experiencing random music playback stopping/pausing on their handset? Do you know what is causing it, or how to prevent it?
I've been trying to get to the root of the issue, and I think it has to do with the music playback service. I've tried several apps (stock Music app, DoubleTwist, Cubed (3)). In each case the behavior is the same. Seemingly at random, and with now obvious trigger, music playback will pause/stop. I've seen this both with and without bluetooth, wifi, Last.FM scrobbling, and headphones. It does not correlate to notifications, as I get e-mail, text, and other notifications and playback continues. My music files are stored on the MicroSD card. Could this be due to latency in loading a portion of a file?