I was attempting to install ClockworkMod and CynogenMod10 for my phone using odin.
I followed the steps listed here
And used (Admittedly this was stupid since my phone was running froyo, But I wasn't able to find the froyo build for this, the links are all dead.)
And now I think I'm hard-bricked. Neither adb, nor odin, nor Linux can see/recognize the device.
I've already tried a list of things - power+home+Volume-up (Nothing happens, flashes at the samsung screen and stays there) - Power+W (Takes me to little kernel mode, still no detection by any of the tools) - Power+T (same result as power+Home+Vol-up) - Power+Q (") - Power+A (")
Any Idea what can be done here? I'm absolutely running out of ideas about what to do. Any help is appreciated.