I bought an ex-Vodaphone Huawei G300, and was happy to find that it was unlocked - I put in my Giffgaff SIM, and immediately had phone and internet access.

However, I really want to use the phone on Three, but although calls and texts can be made and received, I can get no internet.

I tapped 'New APN', and set it up in accordance with 3, but even though I saved it after inputting their settings, the APN screen remained blank, and no connection could be obtained.

The settings entered were:

Name – 3 Internet

APN - three.co.uk

Proxy, Port, Username, Password & Server - blank

MMSC - http://mms.um.three.co.uk:10021/mmsc

MMS PROXY - mms.three.co.uk

MMS Port - 8799

MCC - 234

MNC - 15

Authentication type - None

APN type left blank

Is there something I don't know??

1 Answer 1


According to the MCC/MNC table for UK, your MNC code should be 20, not 15. Also this page suggests that you need to enter default,supl,mms (without spaces after commas) in the “APN Type” field.

If this still won't work, try omitting all MMS-related settings (MMSC, MMS Proxy, MMS Port) and entering default,supl in the “APN Type” field, then, if you get your 3G Internet connection working this way, add another APN just for MMS with all settings and mms in the “APN Type” field.

  • Sergey,Many thanks - you hit the spot first time: it was the default,supl,mms entry that made the difference. Now getting three internet fine. Thanks again
    – Gussie
    Commented Jun 2, 2013 at 12:05

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