When I try to flash my S4 with Heimdal and put on clockworkmod, i get the follow,

$ sudo heimdall flash --recovery ./clockworkmod_6.0.3.2_jfltespr.img --no-reboot
Heimdall v1.4.0

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Initialising connection...
Detecting device...
Claiming interface...
Attempt failed. Detaching driver...
Claiming interface again...
Setting up interface...

Initialising protocol...
Protocol initialisation successful.

Beginning session...

Some devices may take up to 2 minutes to respond.
Please be patient!

Session begun.

Downloading device's PIT file...
PIT file download successful.

ERROR: Partition "recovery" does not exist in the specified PIT.
Ending session...
Releasing device interface...
Re-attaching kernel driver...

So why is it telling me,

ERROR: Partition "recovery" does not exist in the specified PIT.


2 Answers 2


This is because the command you used to invoke heimdall was,

heimdall flash --recovery

And, heimdall is caps sensitive, try this instead.

heimdall flash --RECOVERY ./clockworkmod_6.0.3.2_jfltespr.img --no-reboot
  • 1
    If you get ERROR: Failed to receive handshake response. Result: -7 after an earlier attempt, reboot the device and try this heimdall --RECOVERY ... command again.
    – Lekensteyn
    Commented Nov 7, 2014 at 11:09

My partition was not called recovery but "SOS". You can check it by doing: heimdall print-pit --verbose from a terminal while the tab is in Download mode.

I flashed my p7510. Gist: https://gist.github.com/pskiden/6311605


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