What does the "@" symbol in front of the time given in the right column of Running Applications/Services mean?
See screenshot below.
Phone: Samsung Galaxy S4 (GT-I9505) OS: 4.2.2
It means that the process has been running longer than 99 hours, 99 minutes, and 99 seconds. It's a formatting bug.
The second hour digit, after reaching '9', will simply continue with the next characted from the ascii alphabet:
Where in this case ':' means 10, ';' means 11, '<' means 12, etc.
For example, '<5:12:34' means 125:12:34 and '?5:12:34' means 155:12:34.
It's fixed in Android 4.3
The Related bug report is here: http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=41401
I don't have a Samsung Galaxy S4 but based on the information provided it seems like this is the time frame since the services has been active (i.e. Service "com.sec.phone" started about 1:46:26 ago). I can see that this is the case because a few other services have the same start time, at which point you either turn your phone ON (and Android initiated those services automatically).
sign on Google Services, but no@