My problem is simple. Touch response of my Nexus 5 is very slow while charging. I can't even unlock the pattern while charging. I need to draw it very slowly. My OS is Android 4.4.2.
I have been charging from Laptop USB port. I am seeing this issue for the first time on my mobile. I have used it while charging before.
I am charging with original USB cable that comes with phone. I also tried USB cable of my old nokia C5. Both responds similarly. (Earlier both worked fine).
I checked it in safe mode and problem still exists.
UPDATE 12-Feb-2014:
- The above-mentioned problem occured when I connected my phone to laptop USB via stock USB cable in my college lab. After reaching home, the phone works fine, both in USB charging and AC charging.
- I tried charging with both USB and AC power in my lab. And the problem exists. I even tried them with Debugging mode turned off and problem is still there.
So I strongly suspect some problem with AC power supply in my lab. Anyway to check it?
Does anyone face this issue? Any fixes?