Right now, I have two phones - my now-old Galaxy Nexus and my new Galaxy S5. I want to keep my Galaxy Nexus around as a Chromecast controller and (via wi-fi) streaming media device. As such, I want to remove apps that aren't useful to me for this purpose without affecting my Google backups that helped me set up my S5 quickly. However, when I go to uncheck the "Back up my data" option on the Backup & reset menu, it says that disabling it will delete all my data from Google's servers. I don't want this, since my S5 should continue to use this service.
Is the fact that I have an S5 with this setting enabled sufficient to prevent my backup data from being wiped from Google's servers? If not, how I can unlink my Galaxy Nexus from this service? Or, alternatively, do I need to? The only thing that I'm trying to avoid is unnecessary syncing of apps and settings to a device that I want relatively free of apps.
In the event that I'm running on some false assumptions, I want the apps and settings on the S5 to be the ones restored on a new phone or following a reset. I effectively want the apps and settings on the GNex to be ignored as far as other devices are concerned.