I just tried to make a backup from my Nexus 5 (before installing CM 11) It is unlocked but not rooted. On PC side I'm working with Ubuntu 13.10.
When I type
adb backup –all -apk -nosystem –f /data/Nexus5Backup/backup_17042014.abk
then my phone asks me if I want to backup and I confirm. But the terminal in Ubuntu immediately returns to prompt (~$) and my phone says the backup is complete.
When I type
adb backup –all -apk -shared -nosystem –f /data/Nexus5Backup/backup_17042014.abk
and also confirm that I want to backup then the terminal hangs at
Now unlock your device and confirm the backup operation.
The phone is displaying "shared storage".
But the weirdest thing is that in both cases the backup file (/data/Nexus5Backup/backup_17042014.abk) is never being generated.
How can I do a full backup? I already did backups in the past and they worked. Is this a bug in my Android version (4.4.2 KitKat)? And is there a workaround?