I have a Samsung S4 with last kitkat update. I would like to set it up so that I can access my University services. For that, when I use my laptop, I just set up a ssh tunnel like:

ssh -D 8081 -f -C -q -N work_machine.edu

I wonder if this can be done in android and how, or if there is any app for doing this. I had a look to some VPN apps but found anything useful.

1 Answer 1


The command you typed just does dynamic port forwarding through SSH connection. That's equivalent to SOCKS5 proxy. But you need to redirect your traffic towards this tunnel using VPN or iptables. Latter requires root access.

One such free and open-source app which makes use of VPN is SocksDroid. SSH tunnel can be created using some GUI or CLI app like Termux. For more options see How to set up a socks5 with Android cli?

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