I'm trying to determine the model of an ASUS Transformer tablet.

In Settings -> About, I know its a TF-101 (I knew this one I bought it a few years ago). But that's all it provides under Android 4.0.3 (shown below).

However, I cannot determine if its an A20, B10, etc. According to How to identify hardware versions?, its encoded in the serial number, and its on a sticker attached to the tablet. Unfortunately, even with my glasses, I cannot seem to find it.

How does one determine the serial number for an ASUS TF-101 tablet?

enter image description here

  • 1
    It should be under "Status" in the "About tablet" menu. Have you looked in there? Commented Aug 15, 2014 at 3:24

1 Answer 1


It should be under "Status", in the "About tablet" menu.

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