I want to flash a custom ROM and install custom recovery; but when I enter ROMmanager (my device is rooted) and try to install CRW or TWRP it says "custom recovery does not support D2005 (sony xperia e1).

I want to flash a custom rom safely (well if I brick it I can drop it in water and say I dropped it accidentally in water; I know it's dirty trick but I don't want to be with no phone either, so let's say I have 2 lifes). My bootloader is locked, I don't know how to unlock it so I'll need help for that.

So what if my phone can flash a custom ROM, which ROM? I want the ROM to be performant and good at 3D gaming (I want to play Despicable Me but now with the "stock" ROM I'm getting 15 fps and 20 in clear areas).


1 Answer 1


I don't know that exact model, but I found a pretty much complete guide to rooting, flashing and so on at XDA for your model here.

IMPORTANT: Remember to read the entire guide closely a couple of times before commencing the rooting and flashing procedure, so that you know exactly what you're doing and don't brick the device.

  • Personal critiques are not welcome here. Also, if that post is edited or deleted, this answer becomes useless. Please provide an overview of the process. Commented Nov 23, 2014 at 4:44
  • I'm sorry, but I don't see how there could be any personal critique in this answer. The answer was also more of an advice to the OP, as I am not familiar with that exact model, and therefore don't have any qualified experience with it. I have experience with rooting in general, and for all my rooting needs I seek to XDA, and trust them as a reliable source. Anyway to please you I will copy the procedure from the rooting post in the section of XDA that I linked to in my answer.
    – Tngld
    Commented Nov 23, 2014 at 9:06

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