My phone (a Samsung Vibrant, aka T-Mobile's variant of the Galaxy S) has a single volume level for both the speaker-phone and normal modes. I like to have it up high if I'm using speaker-phone mode and less deafening when I'm holding the handset to my ear. This causes some problems when I use a different mode from the previous call.

Is there any way that I can have a separate volume level for the two modes of operation?

1 Answer 1


Boy, separate volume controls for the speaker and earpiece would be useful, wouldn't they?

You can probably do what you want with Tasker. It lets you control all kinds of settings on the phone based on events. (Some ideas from Lifehacker.)

  • +1 for Tasker. I brief look at the options avaliable make it seem like it can be done.
    – Alex Larzelere
    Commented Aug 17, 2010 at 18:36
  • I've looked at Tasker and I'm not sure I can do it: ppeakerphone control is available as a Task, but I think I would need a speakerphone State to trigger a change in the volume. It's a cool app, though. +1
    – Niall C.
    Commented Aug 20, 2010 at 3:22

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