The Google Calendar app recently updated to the new Material Design look. I've noticed that notifications have changed in a way that I do not like.
When a calendar event comes due, it appears as a notification in the Notifications bar at the top of the screen. In the past, it stayed there for about 48 or 72 hours (not sure exactly, but it was well over 24 hours) as long as I did not mess with it. But now, it seems to only stick around for a very short amount of time (as long as the event is ongoing, I think). In other words, it seems that once an event is over, the notification disappears.
This is not good news for me, I used calendar events as reminders to get things done. (Ex: "take out the trash" on Wed night... I would always see this in the evening, and can put it off until later in the evening if need be. Worst case: when I go to bed, I would see the notification still sticking around, and then go put the trash out.)
I'm looking for a way to get the previous functionality. Is there a trick for this? I'm also open to trying free calendar or task apps that do this.
Suggestions, please?
Running Android 4.4.4 on Nexus 4