I'm pretty new to the world of Android. Though I managed to solve almost all of upcoming problems on my own, I'm having troubles with this one.
I'd like to increase the number of synchronisations of HTC Sense with Facebook so its updates are in line with those of Twitter.
In Settings --> Accounts and Synchronisation --> Facebook for HTC Sense --> Update Frequency (the terms might be different; I've got a German UI and translated just on the fly) I can switch between
- every 1, 2, 4, 8, 12 hours
- once a day
On the other hand for Twitter for HTC Sense, I've got
- every 5, 15, 30 minutes
- manual
in addition.
As I'm using the Friend Stream Widget, I'd like to have the Twitter and Facebook synchronisations of the same frequency.
How can I achieve this? Preferably without installing any additional apps or widgets.
Thanks for your answers.