For Christmas I got a Galaxy Tab 3 (7in, SM-T110) for the wee ones to play with. I want to secure it as much as possible so they cannot accidentally buy stuff or get tracked or whatever. So I thought I'd install Cyanogenmod.
However, the device is not officially supported. From what I understand, I can still install Cyanogenmod on the device, it's just a bit more complicated. Obviously, it is possible, because there's "tutorials" out there about how to do it by people who have successfully done so. Never having done any of this, though. I got lost pretty soon among instructions on rooting, using ODIN, CWM, TWRP, ROM managers, and whatnot. Sigh.
So what do I need to do in order to install Cyanogenmod? I suppose I need to root the device? Do I need a ROM manager? Or is it advisable? What do I need ODIN for? Do I need ODIN? What I need is 1) a thorough explanation what all of these buzzwords mean and what they are good for, and 2) a step-by-step for dummies for how to put them together.
Note: I have seen this answer (which assumes the device to be supported) and this answer (which assumes too much knowledge).