I download few YouTube videos using YouTube Offline feature introduced recently in an Official YouTube App.
Those videos were accessible to me and I played them successfully, without any issue.
Because of some device issue, I happened to "uninstall updates" of YouTube App. and now I had an old version of YouTube.
I then took the update of YouTube app as I wanted to enjoy the new Offline feature from Google Play store, which had the Offline feature.
But when I went to "Offline" tab in my YouTube App's Navigation Drawer (After Update), I could not see my previously downloaded videos.
Of course, I used same Google Account for my YouTube Sign-in.
So, let me just re-phrase the issue:
Whenever YouTube App's Updates are uninstalled, all offline Videos too are removed.
And when I update YouTube app later(which has Offline feature), App does not contain previously downloaded videos!
Any ideas, how can I get my lost videos??