I am mostly trying to solve a low resolution problem when watching Google Play movies as on my Windows 8.1 PC many of them are not available in HD quality. As Android phones have access to higher resolutions, but I have a better screen on my laptop, I was wondering how I could stream video content from my (unrooted) phone to my laptop screen.

I am aware of some DLNA solutions but as far as I know, they do not allow streaming of Google Play movies.


1 Answer 1


Search for screen mirroring apps like these:

Here is the tutorial video on YouTube

  • Thanks! I checked both of them but they do not seem to work well for an unrooted phone. AirDroid requires root and the other app requires you to enter developer mode and run a fairly lengthy startup procedure each time you restart your phone (plus it doesn't work for many people even after they do).
    – Matt
    Commented Jan 26, 2015 at 13:53
  • Yes bluestacks seems like a good workaround, hopefully there will be a more easier ways to mirror screen in the future. Thanks!
    – Matt
    Commented Jan 26, 2015 at 21:54

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