Linked Questions

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3 answers

I am having Xolo Play smartphone. I want to support it Gujarati Font. How can I do that? [duplicate]

I am using smartphone xolo play. I tried to download the gujarati font library to support Gujarati Font. But not able to achieve it. So please guide me how can I support Gujarati font in my xolo play ...
BSKANIA's user avatar
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Does Android support new fonts? [duplicate]

Does the Android operating system support installing new fonts? I am that person who adores calligraphy and improving handwriting, and I am proud to say that my handwriting is now more beautiful than ...
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How to install additional fonts? [duplicate]

Is it possible to install additional fonts on android for use when browsing websites? My device is rooted ICS.
kinokijuf's user avatar
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Installing a font in android [duplicate]

I have a TTF font file which I can double click in windows and click install and that font gets installed. But in case of Android Putting TTF in /system/fonts alone doesn't help Using font changers ...
meowmeowbeans's user avatar
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How to install Regional fonts in Sony Xperia Dual M

How can I install punjabi fonts in my andriod phone? I have a Sony Xperia Dual M.
user74403's user avatar
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Add fonts to Hancom office, Samsung Galaxy Note Pro

I have a Samsung Galaxy Note Pro, which came with Hancom office. I write many multilingual documents and the fonts that are available are just boring. I have many fonts, (.ttf and .otf) that I have ...
Griffen's user avatar
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Install fonts to Quickoffice?

I'm looking to get the standard Word fonts on QuickOffice for Android. Is it possible? All my searches on the internet have yielded nothing. If it isn't possible, are the fonts that QuickOffice does ...
Felicia's user avatar
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Easiest way to add a font so Chrome will recognize it on a Nexus 10?

I want Chrome for Android to recognize the Verdana font on a Nexus 10. That's it. Currently, it only seems to recognize Arial, Open Sans, Times New Roman, and a couple of fixed width fonts. All of ...
Trixie Wolf's user avatar
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Japanese keyboard/fonts on Samsung Ace

can I add Japanese keyboard and font for e-mail input on Samsung ACE8android 2.Etc?
Giovanni's user avatar
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Does AOSP support font alises? If so, how/where are these defined?

As explains, Windows supports this functionality: Font substitution is set via the registry under the FontSubstitutes registry key at: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\...
RokeJulianLockhart's user avatar