Linked Questions

-2 votes
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Notification icon that looks like 3 stacked horizontal bars [duplicate]

What is this notification icon that looks like 3 stacked horizontal bars?
Marlo's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

How to determine which app is creating a notification [duplicate]

I am running Android 2.2 on HTC Legend. I have a LOT of applications installed on it. Today, after I changed my mobile operator, a notification appeared in the top bar. When I click on it, it says ...
Raphael Jolivet's user avatar
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App icon with heart inside of a square speech bubble! [duplicate]

My father sent me a screenshot and on the notifications bar I saw an icon with a heart inside a square speech bubble (please see attached image). I've been looking for this specific icon online and ...
TNicz's user avatar
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Notification icon that looks like "S" inside a square [duplicate]

I am talking to my kid thru WeChat, so I am familiar with the WeChat logo message notification. But I don't know what that S in a square logo is. What application is that?
Curious Mommy's user avatar
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Full circle with symbol like smiling mouth in notification bar [duplicate]

Does anybody know, what is this icon in the notification bar in the top left corner? I saw it on screenshot, thats why I cant check it on my mobile phone. Thanks.
Legionar's user avatar
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What is this icon- pi symbol in circle [duplicate]

I have a pi symbol inside a circle on my phone's notification bar. What does this mean?
Brit's user avatar
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What notification icon is this fish? [duplicate]

This is on an S7 Edge. I do not have this phone in my possession. This is from a screen shot of a text they sent. This "fish" icon was in the notification bar at the top left. I have searched in ...
user262136's user avatar
0 votes
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What does the two speech bubbles notification icon means? [duplicate]

What does the two speech bubbles icon (second from the left) in the notification bar mean?
wordshkaer999's user avatar
-1 votes
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What is this strange icon? [duplicate]

Anyone know what this icon at the upper left is?
Pound Hash's user avatar
1 vote
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Can anyone identify this app notification [duplicate]

I have been searching a lot, and, I am unable to identify this app on the notification bar as showed in the image. The icon with a blue circle and a rabbit on it. If anyone can recognize it, that will ...
Archer Queen's user avatar
-1 votes
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What is this square chat bubble / balloon icon on the top left of a screen. It has a call out arrow on bottom left [duplicate]

There is a square chat balloon icon or chat bubble appearing on the notification panel on the top left of screen. What does that indicate ? It has a call out arrow on the bottom left.
Viper333's user avatar
0 votes
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What is the app that has a logo like 'p' inside a square? [duplicate]

Where is this app logo that looks like 'p' inside a square come from?
Ricky Solis's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Identify an unknown app [duplicate]

I really need your help, big time. I searched everywhere and couldn't find an answer to this. Can anyone tell me what app is this? I took a screenshot of the device but it's locked, cannot open ...
user193261's user avatar
1 vote
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What is this S icon on my android? [duplicate]

I have a S4 android, I have gone through the list of apps (both running and total) but nothing appears to match up. Can anyone please identify this icon?
Mehdi Naji's user avatar
2 votes
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i want to know what app an icon belongs too... how can I find out [duplicate]

I would like to know how I find what app an icon relates to on top left of android phone please. Thanks :) Looking for the second icon
Kerry's user avatar
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