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Data Warning Slider Missing

I used to have 2 sliders, a warning slider & a limit slider, now just a limit slider is present.
ml66jj68's user avatar
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Is there any way to completely block any app from using data (Android 6.0) [duplicate]

I have a problem: my house wifi goes down a lot for some unknown reason, and so I turn on data to continue whatever conversation I was having on my laptop on my phone. Then I forget to turn on wifi ...
Michael Ala's user avatar
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Disabling data limit notifications for disabled SIM?

I have a Motorola G (2nd gen) with dual SIM. Only one SIM at a time can be used for mobile data. I have limited free data on both SIMs. When the first SIM reaches this limit, I switch mobile data over ...
imsodin's user avatar
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Monitor data usage per connected (individual) wifi

I'm looking for a way to monitor data usage by individuals (connected wifi) from my Android WLAN hotspot. After enabling hotspot, It shows me no. of users connected and provides a feature to block ...
Pandya's user avatar
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Mobile data is turned off but provider shows data trickle

I have turned off cellular data on my phone (Nexus 5, Android 6.0.1) but the data usage summary on my provider's portal is still (slowly) increasing. Does Android still use a small amount of data ...
Alex O's user avatar
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On android 6.0.1 there's no more DAILY data usage limit setting

I've got a daily plan. 1GB each day. I wanted to set daily data usage for my phone and i remember there was a daily option on android 4 but now there's no option to change.. only monthly. This is so ...
BlueStarry's user avatar
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Remove specific application from Data usage

I'm using Marshmallow and I'm rooted. After looking in alot of places and search in google I didn't find any answer. My question is, is possible to remove specific information in Data Usage in ...
Gustavo Costa's user avatar