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Stop receiving text messages in my Samsung Note 8 that are sent from spammers email address

I have been getting unwanted text messages on my Samsung Note 8 coming from a spammers email account. I have not found a way to block these text messages coming from email accounts. The feature that ...
mjretired's user avatar
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how to check DKIM signatures in emails

I'm looking for a gmail-compatible app that can check DKIM signatures on incoming emails. Also, i'd like my outgoing emails to be signed correctly, so they are less likely to be filtered as spam... ...
eadmaster's user avatar
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How can I block Android apps to send emails on my behalf?

In some Android apps there is a "Login with GMail" option. I often login with that. Some apps are sending emails on my behalf to my GMail contacts, as I saw them in my "Sent items". I want to know ...
Jatin Malwal's user avatar