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What all methods can be used for detecting malware on lower partitions where antiviruses cannot reach?

I had bought a used phone from a friend and was facing issues like password changes and media leakage as shown by my other friends so I scanned using antiviruses like Malwarebytes,Kaspersky,lookout, ...
Jagan Natham's user avatar
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Android stalkerware abilities

I have a Xiaomi Redmi 4 (4X). I just unlocked the bootloader and cleaned all flashed my phone because the stalkerware my friend installed wasn't going away by a factory reset. After some days from ...
Qwert Erty's user avatar
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Is it possible for a phone to still be compromised/infected by malware or spyware even after a factory reset?

If yes then how can one ensure that its %100 wiped clean? Android 7 | rooted EDIT: Same question but how about when rom is flashed ?
JJrussel's user avatar
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Some malware remains after factory reset [duplicate]

I have a MicroMax Canvas Doodle 4 Smart Phone with Android 5.0, purchased in November 2015. It came with a lot of bloatware, probably including some app named "9Apps", which keeps suggesting apps for ...
Prem's user avatar
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Does retrieving backup from SD card retrieve malware & virus, too?

I think I read in other questions here that you can reset your phone to factory setting to get rid of most bad stuff ordinary people can secretly put on your phone such as spy apps, malware, virus etc....
koppo's user avatar
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Can a Factory Reset fix Malware Problem? And another question too!

After factory reset my pictures, videos, and other media remained. Is it an indication of infection? Prior to the factory reset. Can you explain why my media wasn't deleted? It was supposed to wipe ...
Armando Ramos's user avatar