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Questions tagged [genymotion]

A program for emulating an Android device on Windows or Linux PC, or Mac. Only use this tag if your question is specific to Genymotion, not just emulators in general.

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Special characters through my PC keyboard don't work in Genymotion emulator

I use Genymotion emulator version 2.2 to run android version 4.3. It is on Ubuntu 14.04. Typing with my keyboard works, but not for special non-asci characters like ščřžáíéúů. Pasting them works. I ...
sup's user avatar
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How to change the Android emulator phone number

Is it possible to change the phone number of mine on the android emulator, just like Genymotion which is always show me 1-555-521-xxx number. any ideas would be nice and appreciated.
user3627127's user avatar
3 votes
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Genymotion and video ads

I run Android 4.4.4 in Genymotion. I installed the Google Apps, which include Google Play. Through Google Play I installed the game Sky Force 2014. Why can't I click on the button in the red ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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Genymotion + VPN

I am running Genymotion on a MAC. I tried the changed settings in VirtualBox on Adapter 2 to "Bridged" also trying NAT / NAT Network but it does not work. It runs fine on my physical Android ...
Sven Hezel's user avatar
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Google Play doesn't recognize my Genymotion device

I run Android 4.4.4 in Genymotion. I installed the Google Apps, which include Google Play. I logged into my Google account, and I see in the Google Play application on my phone that I'm logged in. ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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Connect laptop's webcam with new Genymotion

I noticed that the new version of Genymotion 3.3.x doesn't have anymore the (very useful) webcam activation feature. As I would just need that and I have no need to use more advanced features, is ...
rubiker's user avatar
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Need to lock Genymotion SaaS appliance to run only 1 app in restricted user by default and prevent install 3rd party apps and access to settings

(solved) I need to run an app in Genymotion that is used for data entry and upload of the entered data into 3rd party sites. The logins to 3rd party sites are stored in this application (probably ...
itoldusoandso's user avatar
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Genymotion: Why is Android version 9.0 the highest I can use on an S10 emulator?

I'm trying to replicate an issue a customer is having on their Samsung Galaxy S10 running Android version 11. When I spin up an S10 emulator, the highest Android version I can use is 9. Does anyone ...
gkeenley's user avatar
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How to map keys in Genymotion?

I am using Genymotion to play Android games on Linux. But I can not play some games, as they have special control layout. Do you know how to add keyboard mapping feature to Genymotion, like in other ...
Huy Vu Hoan's user avatar
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Speed up Android SDK Emulator

I recently installed Android SDK (not Android Studio or Eclipse) to emulate an Android Watch. I downloaded the ARM images and the Android Support Library. Everything goes fine, except that it is ...
GeoffreyS's user avatar
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Amazon Kindle app and Personal Documents on Android emulator

How can I make the Kindle app in an emulator work just like on a physical device? Background: I tend to buy ebooks directly from publishers and then send them to Amazon Cloud Drive to be converted ...
echristopherson's user avatar
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Working inside VPN using an unrooted Android device (or Genymotion)

I am trying to use an unrooted Android device (or alternatively, a Genymotion emulator) to run an application that needs to be connected to a VPN. On my PC, I only need to connect via Cisco's ...
jmm's user avatar
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How to configure static IP in Genymotion emulator via adb?

I need to configure Genymotion emulator (Android backed by VirtualBox). I need to setup static IP for eth0. The full list of commands i need to apply: su ifconfig eth0 netmask 255.255....
Vlad's user avatar
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Everything freezes during booting virtual device in genymotion/android studio

I can't understand what's going - every time I try to boot virtual device in genymotion or android studio my laptop just freezes and needs to reboot. Every process just stuck. Can't fix this problem. ...
Dscarve's user avatar
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Use laptop's keyboard shortcut in in Android device

I am using Ubuntu 18.04 with Genymotion version 3.1.0 for my laptop. How do I use the laptop's keyboard shortcuts like Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V in the installed android device?
mohd's user avatar
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Is it possible to restore an ASUS Backup on an emulator?

I had created a backup file using Asus Backup app Link Playstore from my Asus ZenFone (Android 5.1). I have lost my Asus phone and I'd like to restore the backup into an emulator. Does Genymotion ...
hasoma's user avatar
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Can't login in 2 accounts in Instagram using Android Emulators (Returning Blank Dialog)

I have two phones S7 and S8 (Android Genymotion Emulators) that I want to use with the same Instagram account. On the first phone, I'm able to log in with my username and password. However, when I ...
Red M's user avatar
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Root access on Genymotion devices

How to grant root access in Genymotion devices which doesn't have Superuser application? In Nexus9 API 23 and S8 API 24 I have no Superuser, and so I couldn't provide root access to my application. ...
user3933607's user avatar
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How to access Genymotion files from desktop?

I want to access Genymotion file from my desktop. Is it possible? What I find every where is about accessing desktop file from Genymotion!
user3933607's user avatar
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Genymotion 2.8.1 - Can't flash Play Services on any Virtual Device

So, on Genymotion 2.8.1, I've tried flashing Play Services on a number of Virtual Devices. None works. I get the error along the lines of "Flashing xyz zip failed for an unknown reason, check the ...
KhoPhi's user avatar
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How do I change Genymotion physical keyboard to type scandic letters?

I have enabled scandics (äöå) on-screen keyboard and they work, but when I type them from physical keyboard they do not work, nothing comes out. All english keyboard keys do work.
Ohto Nordberg's user avatar
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Android 5.0 Gapps Flashes in Android 6.0 Genymotion

I just recently installed Genymotion and need to install Google Apps. Now that I don't have 6.0 Gapps, I tried to experiment by flashing 5.0 Gapps in Genymotion and it worked. Nothing is wrong. Is ...
KentZ's user avatar
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RO Valkyrie on Genymotion virtual device always says it has stopped

I use samsung galaxy s4 4.4.4 virtual device on Genymotion. Already have gapps and updated it. Clash of Clans works fine but RO Valykyrie always says it has stopped. Someone knows how to fix it. ...
user144907's user avatar
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ADB push failed to copy, function not implemented

I cross compiled a library for my Android phone, and I keep getting the message when I try to push failed to copy '/home/sanctus/Desktop/native-android-ports/libc-arm/crypt/' to '/...
George D's user avatar
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