Questions tagged [motorola-moto-z2-play]

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7 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Any way to root a crushed phone and get encryption file from it?

tl;dr Is it possible to root an Android 8.0 phone that is accessible only via USB? Is it then possible to extract encryption .key file out of it in order to decrypt its SD Card that was formatted and ...
trejder's user avatar
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Bluetooth headset overiding ringtones?

My Bluetooth headset (SoundBuds Rise) will play its own generic ringtone when it's connected to my phone (Moto Z2 Play). I just went through and gave a bunch of my contacts custom ringtones, so I don'...
Jacob K's user avatar
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Incredibly low performance of Contacts app in Moto Z / Android 8

My 4 GB/64 GB/8 core Moto Z2 is incredibly slow when it comes to built in Contacts app. I.e.: it requires at least 3-4 seconds to open it up, it needs at least 2-3 seconds to exchange phone numbers ...
trejder's user avatar
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Contacts app in Android 7.1 claims that I have no images on my device

On my Motorola Moto Z2 Play with stock version of Android 7.1.1 currently I have: 188 photos in DCIM > Camera folder, 10 pictures in Pictures > Contacts folder, 5 pictures in Pictures > Icons folder, ...
trejder's user avatar
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Change language in Google Maps app

I would like to have mobile Google Maps' content on my Moto Z2 Play in different language (Polish) than rest of the system (English). Is this possible? If yes, then how to achieve this? Based on my ...
trejder's user avatar
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Changing default behaviour of the Contacts app in Oreo

When you open up the Contacts app second or the following time, it always shows last view (i.e. where I left it), i.e. the most recent contact search. I am using this app purely for searching the ...
trejder's user avatar
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Polish layout for physical USB keyboard in Oreo

Up until Android 8.0 / Oreo (haven't got chance to test this issue under 9.0 / Pie) there is no Polish layout for physical USB keyboard and writing Polish national letter (i.e. using Right Alt key) is ...
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