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Questions tagged [osmand]

OsmAnd is an open source navigation application with access to a wide variety of global OpenStreetMap (OSM) data for Android devices.

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1 answer

How to back up OSMAnd favourites using ADB?

First attempt to back up favourites to my PC after enabling USB debugging and connecting the phone to the PC: Open OSMAnd+ 4.6.11 Click the hamburger menu Click Settings Click Export to file Expand ...
l0b0's user avatar
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Use OsmAnd for navigation in AutoMate Car Dashboard app

I'm using AutoMate - Car Dashboard? This app is similar to Android Auto, the feature I'm looking for is the ability to use OsmAnd's navigation instead of Google's (Android Auto, from Google tied ...
michaelbr's user avatar
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How to transfer user data, namely tracks and favorite places, from OsmAnd to OsmAnd+ application?

I used to use OsmAnd application, and while using it have created a few favorite places, and recorded a few tracks. Now that I switched to OsmAnd Plus, I'd like to copy all user-created data, like ...
Jakub Narębski's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

OsmAnd+ Voice Navigation Not Working

I am using OsmAnd+ 3.5.5 from F-Droid on my Samsung A3 2016 running LineageOS 16 (Android 9). It all seems to working fine, but for whatever reason the voice navigation will not work, making me have ...
AdLinux's user avatar
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Using a private OSM file as custom overlay on OSMand?

I have a custom OSM file which contains just a boundary of some region, and I would like to have it permanently displayed in my OSMand app, as an overlay or underlay. I created the file using ...
lowtoxin's user avatar
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GPX editors see empty folder

I have some gpx tracks recorded using OsmAnd. I can see the files using my browser and also the app "GPX Viewer" can load the files and display the tracks on a map. They are located on my external sd ...
jorgen's user avatar
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1 answer

Regionwide vs Region maps

Question regarding Osmand+ application. Will I miss something in case I download regionwide maps and don't download region maps. As far as I understood regionwide maps should cover all regions. I'm ...
vico's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

Place Osmand maps to SD card

I have Osmand running on Huawei Y560 with 5.1.1. Osmand was running in internal storage. I have performed "move to SD card" operation. Currently maps folder is set to /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/...
vico's user avatar
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1 answer

How to customise directions path rendering in OsmAnd?

OsmAnd+ 2.3.5 Is there a way of modifying the look of the directions path? There is too much going on there to my liking so I would like to: remove the yellow arrows (not sure what they signify but ...
Johnny Baloney's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to import an OBF map file into OsmAnd?

The map file provided by OsmAnd for a particular region has inaccuracies, so I would like to use this fixed OBF file instead. How to do that? Below is the procedure described on the website ...
Nicolas Raoul's user avatar
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2 answers

OsmAnd+ change text foreground or background color

I really like OsmAnd, but since the last update I can't see entries correctly, as the text foreground color and background color is white. I can see the text when I press and hold the item. This is ...
32u-nd's user avatar
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1 answer

What is the meaning of the fan shaped area behind my current position in those gps applications

In osmand and other gps navigation applications, my current position is shown as a spot with a certain radius, the radius shows the accuracy of my position, sometimes there is a fan shaped area in ...
godblessfq's user avatar
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Troubleshoot upgrade of paid app

I'm experiencing a strange problem trying to upgrade a paid app (OsmAnd+, now installed 1.9.5) on my phone (Samsung GT-8752). The download stops reproducibly at 28.75/39 MB, then an installation is ...
krlmlr's user avatar
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Create directory from windows explorer

I have my phone connected to my PC using USB cable. No I can see my phone's files. I would like to create folder named tracks in directory This PC\My Name\Card\Android\data\\files\...
vico's user avatar
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0 answers

My POI files are not showing in OsmAnd

I have created POI using KML to .obf format,imported it to the SD card storage,also seleted the option 'Any' from POIs settings, but Osmand is not displaying any POIs. I also imported some city maps(....
Riomeey's user avatar
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1 answer

OsmAnd: Show only POIs from my OBF file

I have created an OBF file (OsmAnd POIs), and would like to display its POIs. PROBLEM: When I enable POI display, tons of orange circles make the map unreadable. 99.99% of these POIs are not from my ...
Nicolas Raoul's user avatar
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How to send one contact address as OSMAnd destination?

My contacts all ahve their address set, and I would like to be able to navigate to their addresses using OSMAnd. Unfortunatly, clicking the "share" button, don't allow me to share that contact using ...
Riduidel's user avatar
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2 answers

How to enable the Native Library in OsmAnd?

In a 2012 thread about a case of OsmAnd being slow at rendering, one person advises this: verify that you use Native Library (which definitely speed up rendering process) And the replies seems to ...
Nicolas Raoul's user avatar
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2 answers

Osmand: Map font size

I am visually impaired and have a hard time reading small fonts. In Osmand I can read the fonts when I zoom and the screen still has to be re-drawn. How can I change the default font size for street ...
Ole Tange's user avatar
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OsmAnd: How to hide information?

OsmAnd has so much information that it obscures the map. How can I decide what information (layers) that OsmAnd should show? I had hoped Define View > POI would make it possible to hide the ...
Ole Tange's user avatar
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2 answers

Display current speed in OsmAnd

I use OsmAnd when riding my bicycle. I would like it to display my current speed in a corner of the screen or somewhere similar. It should not interfere with normal use of OsmAnd, in particular it ...
Nicolas Raoul's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to import Wikivoyage tourism information to OsmAnd

Wikivoyage is a collaborative travel guide covering 25,000 destinations. It details hotels/restaurants/bars/attractions with opening hours etc. OsmAnd is an open source navigation Android app. How ...
Nicolas Raoul's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Out of space message although I'm using link2sd!

I've Android 2.1 (Sony Ericsson Xperia X8) so I'm using link2sd becasue many apps need some extra space but OsmAnd always shows "Out of space" message. How can I fix space issue? P.S. link2sd ...
mbnoimi's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to import a .obf POI file in OsmAnd

I created this Data.osm file: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <osm version='0.5' generator='GPSBabel-1.4.0'> <node id='-1' visible='true' lat='41.890121' lon='12.492265'> ...
Nicolas Raoul's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to create a POI database for OsmAnd?

OsmAnd is a map/navigation app. On top of the map, I would like to display "Points of Interest" (POI), for instance my city's best restaurants. I already have a CSV file containing for each POI: ...
Nicolas Raoul's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

Differences between OsmAnd and OsmAnd+

What is the difference between the free version of OsmAnd and the Plus version? The only info I found seems to be outdated. While using the free edition the only limitation I noticed was the hint ...
juergen d's user avatar
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3 answers

Easily record GPS coordinates in OpenStreetMap

I live in Argentina and use OpenStreetMap since the maps are really accurate in that area. I travel in a specific area with my Android smartphone using GPS. In that area mainly I like to save GPS ...
juergen d's user avatar
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15 votes
5 answers

How do I import a KML route into OsmAnd?

I created a route using Google Maps and exported it as a KML file. I would like to import now this KML file into OsmAnd so I could check where I am. So far I found out that it is possible to create a ...
greenoldman's user avatar
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