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3 answers

Change image size before sharing an image via email

When I first used the share functionality (Share via email) from the gallery, Android asked me what should be the size of the images (fullsize / normal / small) that will be shared. I opted for ...
Sathyajith Bhat's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I display image formats not supported by the email app, e.g. TIFF?

As I'm using K-9 Mail for my email app, sometimes I get a tiff attached to the mail, but I cannot watch it. Even Tiff2PDF will fail :(. Any idea how I can get this to work?
math's user avatar
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Why am I unable to view pictures sent to me by MMS from an iPhone?

If I receive a picture message from a friend with an iPhone, the MMS message appears with a "Slideshow" attachment. When I try to open the Slideshow, I get a message saying, "Unsupported media type". ...
Damovisa's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Android SVG and VML support

Can the Android browser view SVG images in web pages? Can it view VML? Do 3rd party browsers (e.g. Opera) have this ability? If the default or 3rd party browsers don't support it, do they plan on ...
Adam's user avatar
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10 answers

How to view animated GIFs in Android?

Is there a way to view animated GIFs on an Android device? I searched the Market without success.
Dawson Goodell's user avatar
160 votes
21 answers

How to take a screenshot with an Android device?

Is there a way to take a screenshot of an Android device and save it as an image file?
Louis Rhys's user avatar
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Kindle Android - Refresh a book cover?

I use the Kindle app for Android. I had 'bought' one of the classic titles which they have - War and Peace, which, like many of the classics, had no cover image. They have since updated the title ...
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