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is more battery-dispendious shutting down or leave 3g on?

I know that many apps (like messaging apps eg whatsapp or facebook) every time like 30 seconds, ask the server for push notifications. I know that 3g has many state, when downloading data the consume ...
Federico Ponzi's user avatar
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Does GCM always work over cellular data, as APNS?

APNS always works over cellular data, even if you are connected to WiFi (because WiFi uses extra power, and thus iOS devices turn it off during sleep, without affecting APNS). Is GCM (Google Cloud ...
cnst's user avatar
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Is there a way to see which apps are using GCM?

I'm interested to know how many of the apps I have installed are using GCM. Is there a way to find out?
cnst's user avatar
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Is there a way to find out if a given app supports GCM (like APNS)?

Is there a way to find out if a given app supports GCM (Google Cloud Messaging)? (GCM is Google's version of APNS.)
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Is there anything similar to APNS on Android?

Is there anything similar to APNS (Apple Push Notification Service) on Android? (APNS uses a single TCP connection between an iOS device and an Apple-controlled server, which issues push ...
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