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Questions tagged [rfid]

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Accessing the antenna of an Android system

I am asking a similar question to this Tap off raw RF data from antenna but would like further explanation. First off, I'm an electrical engineer, so I have no experience with android systems besides ...
Aaron Van Rossum's user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

How to emulate a NFC card with an Android phone?

I have installed several "NFC tools" apps, and I am able to read a NFC door card. It seems to be able to duplicate it (when I'll have a blank NFC card) or even write new NFC tags. But I'd like to do ...
Basj's user avatar
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20 votes
2 answers

How to clone an NFC tag (e.g. MIFARE Classic) to an Android device?

I use a MIFARE Classic NFC access card. Is there any way to clone my card on an Android device (e.g. on Samsung Galaxy Nexus or Asus Nexus 7)? Note: this question is not about duplicating an NFC tag ...
user25294's user avatar
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