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Questions tagged [snapchat]

Snapchat is a picture/video messaging system available on Android and iOS.

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Why cant I get Snapchat working?

I have it working under Windows 10, so my login details are correct. But on Android, it gives me Due to repeated failed attempts or other unusual activity, your access to Snapchat has been ...
Rohit Gupta's user avatar
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snapchat going to settings

Whenever I take a photo on snapchat it takes me to app settings. Ive gotten rid of other apps and uninstalled it then installed it again but nothing works. This happens after i take a photo.
Liadhain's user avatar
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can't log in to Snapchat - Problem connecting to the server

Firstly, apologies if this is the wrong site to ask this question. I didn't have a clue which site, this seemed most realistic. Problem : Snapchat was working fine. I logged out of my account and ...
Grand Skunk's user avatar
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Turn off Snapchat camera sound in Android [closed]

Whenever I take a picture with the front camera on Snapchat on my Xiaomi Mi Max 2, it makes a loud fake camera shutter sound. I have tried putting the phone on mute/do not disturb and having the ...
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Meaning of: Delivered, Received, Tap to chat

Snapchat shows a kind of status under each contact's name in the chat list: In the screenshot above it is "Tap to chat", but sometimes it is "Delivered" or "Received". Question: What are all ...
Nicolas Raoul's user avatar
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Mute Snapchat's shutter sound [duplicate]

I have Snapchat 10.23.11 on Huawei and my friend has the same version but on a Samsung device. I have muted the system Camera app and in the system app, there's no shutter sound. In Snapchat, when I'm ...
patrykbajos's user avatar
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How to block/disable Snapchat's in-app web browser?

In snapchat, if you type into a chat a website URL you can then access snapchat's browser. For personal reasons, I've taken the time to remove my phones browser via rooting so that I can't access the ...
Dave's user avatar
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How to fix "Oh no! Your login temporarily failed" in Snapchat?

Every time I try to log in to the app I get a message shown in the image below. Yes, I've tried what the link tells me, and yes, I have tried the Xposed framework as well but no luck. I have a rooted ...
braum's user avatar
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What does the symbol after someone's name mean in the Snapchat app?

In the Snapchat app, I'm not really sure what this symbol after the name means. Could someone help me out?
Philip's user avatar
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Why are apps not loading anything after a while of use (Nexus 5 | 16GB)?

Well the title says it. It happens to most apps that need an internet connection. (Instagram, Youtube, Play Store, Whatsapp etc.) The browser works fine though. But for example when I'm looking at my ...
Noodles's user avatar
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How to make Snapchat use less battery/network?

I barely use Snapchat, less than 10 text snaps per day, only one or two 300KB pictures, and I almost never watch nor send videos. I never use the rightmost activity (branded content). Despite this ...
Nicolas Raoul's user avatar
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How to view own story in snapchat

I'm not very good at SnapChat. Is there a way to view your own story? My friend helped me set a picture and now I can't find it.
Celeritas's user avatar
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I can't get my device supported by Google Play Services to get my Snapchat to work [duplicate]

I recently updated my phone, before updating Snapchat was working fine but now it logged me out and I can't log back in as it says " Google Play Services which most applications rely on, is not ...
kiara rie's user avatar
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I cant Update Google play services as it says "Authentication is required. You need to sign into your google account"

I keep getting nonification updates the I need to Update Google Play services and that Google Play services wont run unless updated, wh I click on the nonification. It bring me to Googl play services ...
kiara rie's user avatar
16 votes
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How does Snapchat detect screenshots?

I'm wondering how Snapchat detects if a screenshot is taken and how to disable/spoof the method. If using a screen recording (video) app, Snapchat can't detect it.
user122912's user avatar
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Grey on black 'suggestion' text?

My Solution: turn off autocomplete and autocorrect completely, and use a different keyboard. What option will help me turn off this strange text that doesn't want to go away in the text boxes of ...
Logan's user avatar
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Snapchat gave me the real name of a user I dont know. How?

A long time ago I added a person to Snapchat. His username (display name?) was O*, and I added him with that display name. Today I received a message from him, but the name that showed up in my ...
Berit Larsen's user avatar
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Unable to play Snapchat videos

I have a Samsung Galaxy Ace and I am unable to view most videos on Snapchat that people send to me. I have tried to rectify the problem by downloading MX player and VLC player and updating to Snapchat ...
ty1234's user avatar
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Snapchat Story Upload

How do I upload images from my photo gallery to my Snapchat story? I have heard of the Xposed module Snapshare but I don't fancy rooting my phone permanently. What I want to do is, say if I ...
Beta Decay's user avatar
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Snapchat receives blank chats

Since signing up for Snapchat about a month ago, I have regularly received Snapchats that are simply black screens (and obviously confirmed that the sender did not send a blank screen) about 1 out of ...
jpd527's user avatar
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