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Questions tagged [sony-xperia-z5]

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1 vote
1 answer

Error 505 when installing Facebook Messenger

I have a Sony Z5 Compact running Nougat. I am unable to install Facebook Messenger. When I try I get the Error Code -505. I have tried installing using ADB with the following command: adb install ...
2 votes
1 answer

How to disable the "Screen is pinned" ScrollView?

Everytime I pin an app I get a "Screen is pinned" green ScrollView and have to tap the "Got it" button. At first, I thought it was just some kind of "getting started" thing, but after a few months it'...
1 vote
1 answer

Problem playing music via Chromecast

In the last couple of Android updates I've found an issue when playing music via the Chromecast device on my TV. It seems once the screen sleeps the phone disconnects from the Chromecast and doesn't ...
5 votes
2 answers

Android 6.0 update - System UI not working

I updated my Z5 to Marshmallow 6.0 yesterday. Worst mistake of my life. It locked out my phone and wiped some SD photos (so I couldn't get past the keylock screen - on entering the correct code, it ...
0 votes
2 answers

Sony Xperia Z5 not showing Heads up Notifications on Marshmallow

I've recently bought a Sony Xperia Z5, and can't get the Heads up Notifications to work on any app at all. I have gone into the app settings and selected "Sounds & Notifications / App ...
0 votes
0 answers

Can I connect to both a Wifi router and a Wifi Music receiver at the same time?

I want to be able to play music from my android phone out of my home sound system, wirelessly. Bluetooth doesn't have a long enough range, so I was going to use Wifi. I also want to be able to connect ...
0 votes
1 answer

SONY Red Led notification not working

I have a SONY XPERIA Z5 Premium . The problem is the tiny LED notification light doesn't show red light. i have tried various led light management applications from the play store but still ain't ...
0 votes
1 answer

Assign physical camera button to another app

Is there a way to assign the physical camera button to a camera-app other than the default camera app? So, if the camera button is pressed, a specific app should start up. If possible, it should ...
2 votes
0 answers

System sounds but no other sounds when use headphones

I plugged in my headphones this morning, which were working fine yesterday, and went to try and watch a video only for there to be no sound. But all notifications and click events seem to be ...
3 votes
0 answers

How to get rid of NFC icon?

After a forced OS reinstall by a repair shop a Sony Xperia Z5 Compact started to show a NFC icon in a status bar. How to get rid of it? It does not give any information as it is always on, so it is ...