I have a *Samsung Galaxy S21-U* 
running *Android 14* 
and *Termux `0.118.1`* 
(retrieved from *F-Droid* on 2024.08.22) 
with *TigerVNC `1.10.1-41`*. TigerVNC and associated required packages retrieved via *apt* in termux: I followed [these steps](https://wiki.termux.com/wiki/Graphical_Environment) to bring up an *[xfce4](https://www.xfce.org/) desktop environment* via tigervnc. 

Instructions for getting sound output are harder to find. 

1. The following solutions successfully played MP3 files over USB-C speakers:
    - [The command `play-audio` from this answer](https://android.stackexchange.com/a/242118/246519) (`mpg123` and `play` produce no output, but see [2] below);
    - [These instructions on reddit for the `mpv` command](https://old.reddit.com/r/termux/comments/men125/can_termux_play_audio/);
    - I cannot get output over the phone speakers from either of the above.
2. [The VNC subset of this answer](https://android.stackexchange.com/a/205629/246519) does not work for me
    - A virtual pulseaudio sink `auto_null.monitor` exists.
    - The commands `play` and `mpg123` seem to attach to this sink.
    - With the above inputs attached, the sink `auto_null.monitor` switches state from `SUSPENDED` to `RUNNING`.
    - With audio playing, the xfce4 volume control panel shows the volume fluctuating.
    - No sound is emitted over *either* the phone or USB-C speakers.

I want to see if I can get the pulseaudio command `play` to emit over the phone speakers. Has anyone achieved this?