As mentioned in [android documention][1], **Android 12** should not use debug filesystem in **user** mode. I want to build AOSP 12.1 for some device, but building in user mode results to error below: **files are incompatible: Runtime info and framework compatibility matrix are incompatible: No compatible kernel requirement found (kernel FCM version = 5)** **for kernel requirement at matrix level 5, for config CONFIG_DEBUG_FS, value=y but required n** This config (CONFIG_DEBUG_FS) isn't my defconfig. I also added **CONFIG_DEBUG_FS=n** config to defconfig, but no change. result kernel config (obj/KERNEL_OBJ/.config) after build is same (**CONFIG_DEBUG_FS=y**) It seems that Android build system uses a **base config from host os** OR there are some **depencencies** to this config such that this config is ignored. How to disable this config in android build system? UPDATE I tried "make KCONFIG_CONFIG=arch/arm64/config/vendor/my_defconf **menuconfig**" so my defconf was input to menuconfig. I disabled CONFIG_DEBUG_FS by disabling PAGE_OWNER option. because there was a rule that if 3 specific config was set, this config will set automatically. These caonfigs were PAGE_OWNER && DEBUG_KERNEL && STACKTRACE_SUPPORT. if all sets then debugfs will set. so I disabled PAGE_OWNER because two others were Mandatory or useful. Then I saved defconfig. such that so many configs changed. and I start to build kernel but too many errors was in result. [1]: