In the Oct/Nov 2013 update to SSHelper the documentation states new support for Zeroconf broadcasting. In the documentation **Configuration** section of the **[details][1]** it describes the checkbox to "Enable Zeroconf broadcasting". When this is enabled any other client on the local network, will be able to browse and then connect for SSHelper on the network. 

SSHelper does not have the option to input a custom zeroconf name. The app automatically creates the name (it's based off the ip), which allows others to find any "SSHelper" on the network. I agree this is not very helpful if there is more than one android running SSHelper, but if there is only one, then any remote client can connect to the android SSH server without having to know the it's name. You do not need to look at the SSHelper app to know which ip/hostname to connect to from your other machine.

From linux (you may need to install avahi-utils):
```avahi-browse --terminate --resolve --parsable _ssh._tcp```

More specifically, entering this command will SSH connect to the android SSHelper server without needing to know it's name:

    ssh `avahi-browse --terminate --resolve --parsable _ssh._tcp \
    | grep "SSHelper.*;local;" \
    | sed -E 's/.*SSHelp.*;local;(.*.local);.*/\1/g'`

For OS X (10.9 Mavericks), there is nothing to install but you must run ```dns-sd```and then <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>C</kbd> to kill the process after you see the android bonjour hostname.

dns-sd -L SSHelper _ssh._tcp local

