**Scripted via adb & pm (package manager)**: If the SDK is installed and you like to use the commandline, that's about the quickest way I know of: Downside: you only get to see the package names, not the friendly application names (There's seemingly no easy cli way. For programmers: [get application name from package name][1]) Downside 2: Be sure what you do, you might uninstall every app on your phone if you don't edit the list. ` # Use android's package manager 'pm' # list all 3rd party pkgs (using the '-3' parameter) me@local:~$ adb shell pm list packages -3 > /tmp/pkg.list # Use whatever editor you like (grep, vi, GUI) to edit the list me@local:~$ vi /tmp/pkg.list me@local:~$ cat /tmp/pkg.list | sed 's,.*:,,' | while read a; do adb uninstall $a;done ` **Maybe also an improvement for a limited number of apps:** Google's Play Store now offers improved per device management (since around Google I|O 2012): Go to [My Android Apps][2] (login required) and you see "Apps installed on [Device Model]". Per app you have an: - Update button (if there's an update) - Uninstall button (except for system apps) Using this you can easily uninstall apps on specific phones or tablets using your internet browser. See also this accepted answer: http://android.stackexchange.com/questions/24847/remotely-uninstall-apps [1]: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5841161/get-application-name-from-package-name [2]: https://play.google.com/apps