I learned how to do this from [here][1] I did this from a Linux PC with ADB installed. It may be possible from a Windows PC with ADB installed but I could never get the tablet to connect as an installer over USB on Windows. > Turns out it was dead simple, really, it came rooted. Here’s how I > installed Superuser on it so I can use apps that use root. > 1. Download [superuser.zip][2] > 2. Unzip `superuser.zip` > 3. `adb root` (to run adb as root user on the tablet) > 4. `adb remount` > 5. `adb push Superuser.apk /system/app/` > 6. `adb push armeabi/su /system/xbin/su` > 7. `adb shell chmod 6755 /system/xbin/su` > 8. `adb shell ln -s /system/xbin/su /system/bin/su` > 9. `wget https://github.com/koush/Superuser/raw/master/init.superuser.rc` > 10. `adb push init.superuser.rc /` [1]: https://annoyingtechnicaldetails.wordpress.com/2014/07/31/rooting-a-20-tablet-azpen-a727/ [2]: http://download.clockworkmod.com/superuser/superuser.zip