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DNSCrypt on Android

I'd like to install DNSCrypt on Android. I have installed it on Windows 8, Linux Mint, and Kali Linux. But I'm very new to Linux, thus dealing with Android as a Linux distro is way out of my league. I've Google'd a tutorial for this for hours, and everyone seems to be asking with no one to answer them. The DNSCrypt website has an Android-specific version which means it should be possible, some forum member has written a couple of commands like "and then you configure and compile" and such. But no specific "spoon-feeding" command to type in the Android terminal. So, how do we install on Android?

Update 1: Here's a similar explanation to what I referred to. How Do I write a script?! what do I copy exactly? There are three folders when I un-tar and tar.gz from the link above.

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