I've been asked if I can check some faulty behavior of a device, a cheap Chinese android smartphone. I'm not really an android expert, usually I install a few apps to help me figure out few things about the device. These apps I've reported conflicting results compared to what was displayed in the main android settings area: - With [DiskUsage][1] internal memory is reported as 3.9gb vs 16gb in system settings. - [Device Info HW][2] (suggested by @alecxs) explicitly mark as fake the reported version 9.0, pointing Android 6 as correct with API level 23. Unfortunately the app reports the same storage size of 16gb as stated in system settings. In my previous attempt I've [CPU Info][3]. This kinda reminds me of fake USB thumb drives scams with less memory than advertised. So is there a way (preferably without root) to test/analyze common technical details of a device for possible tampering/spoofing? Like - Storage - Android version - RAM - CPU - Something else that can be faked? FLOSS solutions are highly appreciated! :) **UPDATE** Listed used apps and updated after suggestions in comments. [1]: https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.google.android.diskusage/ [2]: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ru.andr7e.deviceinfohw [3]: https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.kgurgul.cpuinfo/