Not sure why would you want to swap those buttons but you can certainly do it using [AutoInput]( (for Android 4.3 and above), [Tasker](, both are/have paid/7-day full trial, [MacroDroid]( (free/paid) and [Shortcut Launcher]( [AutoShortcut]( (free/paid). 1. After installing **Shortcut Launcher** you would see four icons namely **Shortcut 1**, **Shortcut 2**, and so on in your app drawer. Tap **Shortcut 1 → MacroDroid Shortcut → `<Add New Macro>` → Volume Up/Down → Volume Down** → proceed → ignore **Add Constraints** → name it "`Volume Down`". 2. Similarly, assign a MacrDroid shortcut to **Shortcut 2** but choose **Volume Up** and name it "`Volume Up`". Alternatively, AutoShortcut can be used in place of Shortcut Launcher. Use it in a Tasker's task to directly access a MacroDroid shortcut. It is available under **Plugin**. 3. In Tasker create an **Event** based profile from **Plugin → AutoInput → Key → Configuration**: * **Keys**: **Volume Up** * **Key Action**: **Key Down** 4. Create a task and add following actions: 1. **Plugin → AutoInput → Modes**: * **Configuration**: * **Key Suppress**: **Enable** * **Keys: Volume Up** * **Timeout: None** 2. **App → Launch App → Shortcut 1** 5. Create another **Event** based profile but for **Volume Down** (follow *step 3*) 6. Repeat *step 4* but under *sub-step 1* do **Keys: Volume Down** and assign the app **Shortcut 2** in *sub-step 2* there. That's it. It's not completely flawless but the flaws can be ignored. For any reasoning about related to AutoInput see my answer at [Bind action to hardware key combination](