In the Oct/Nov 2013 update to SSHelper the documentation states new support for Zeroconf broadcasting. In the documentation **Configuration** section of the **[details][1]** it describes the checkbox to "Enable Zeroconf broadcasting". When this is enabled any other client on the local network, which also has Zeroconf, will be able to browse for the hostname. From my raspberry pi raspian (Debian-wheezy linux) I have installed avahi with ```apt-get```:

```sudo apt-get install avahi-daemon avahi-util```

After install, this is how I display all zeroconf SSH servers on the network:
```avahi-browse --terminate --resolve --parsable _ssh._tcp```

More specifically to parse out the SSHelper android hostname on the network:

    avahi-browse --terminate --resolve --parsable _ssh._tcp \
    | grep "SSHelper.*;local;" \
    | sed -E 's/.*SSHelp.*;local;(.*.local);.*/\1/g'

For OS X (10.9 Mavericks), there is nothing to install but you must run ```dns-sd```and then <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>C</kbd> to kill the process after you see your hostname.

dns-sd -L SSHelper _ssh._tcp local

