See [Determine the package name of your app]( to get the package name of the concerned app and use *[tag:adb] shell* to execute these commands: <pre> adb shell su pm disable PACKAGE # disables the app and hides it in Settings -> Applications pm hide PACKAGE # alternative; for Android Lollipop and above cmd package suspend PACKAGE # alternative; package remains visible in Launcher and Settings app but cannot be used; a feature of Device Administration </pre> `PACKAGE` refers to package name of the app To reinstate the app, replace *disable* with *enable*, *hide* with *unhide*, and *suspend* with *unsuspend* in the said command and execute it with root privilege. If you've Android KitKat or above and **do not have root access**, use [tag:adb] in PC to execute this command: <pre> adb shell pm block PACKAGE # for Android KitKat adb shell pm hide PACKAGE # for Android Lollipop only adb shell pm disable-user PACKAGE # alternative to `pm hide`; for Android Lollipop and above; this works just like disabling an app through Settings app </pre> To reinstate the app: <pre> adb shell pm unblock PACKAGE # for Android KitKat adb shell pm unhide PACKAGE # for Android Lollipop and only if you used `pm hide` earlier adb shell pm enable PACKAGE # for Android Lollipop and above </pre> Changes would take place immediately.